We are hook point

Our family fishes the pristine waters of Kodiak, Alaska to bring you the highest quality seafood around.


We are proud to be your fisherfolk. 

Hi, nice to meet you

Our journey at the Hook Point set net site began over twenty years ago, when Mat joined up as a crew member. It was love at first site (pun intended!), and he brought Karen along a few years later.


When we bought the site ourselves in 2020, we wanted our children to experience the rugged, independent, and deeply connected life of a small commercial fishery in remote Alaska. 


As fisherfolk, we seek to carry on the traditions of those who came before us at Hook Point - setting nets, hauling gear and harvesting fish by hand with only the help of an outboard motor.


As humans, we strive to live a low impact life, off the grid, while providing sustainable seafood to nourish other families for generations to come.

Karen and Mat










Know your fisherfolk. Check out our catch!

Our Fishery

We are a setnet site on the northwest side of Kodiak Island. Setnet fishing involves the use of stationary nets, known as setnets, that are placed in the water and anchored to the shoreline. These nets are designed to intercept salmon as they swim along their migration routes, which we pick by hand from open skiffs with outboard engines.


When we are not on the water, we live in cabins on the shore. We are a remote site and live far off the grid and road system in the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge. Our shore life often consists of gear work, maintenance, gardening, and projects. It is always amazing to raise one's head from whatever activity we are doing and take in the deep nature and wilderness of Kodiak. 


Check us out. Get in touch. Shop our fish. Eat salmon. Be well. 

Shop our fish


Have a question?

Drop a line anytime. We love talking fish and are happy to answer your questions.

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